Different Season© 2008

(Click CD cover for larger image and to see titles)

Song clips from Different Season:

Loving You

Different Season

Purchase Price:    $15.00

Angel Wings© 2003

(Click CD cover for larger image and to see titles)

Song clips from Angel Wings:

Only in America

Blue Moon

      Purchase Price:    $15.00


Song clip from
Orphan Train
Orphan Train© 2003 (single)

From 1853 to 1929, the Children’s Aid
Society & Foundling Hospital of New York
transported up to 400.000 orphaned,
homeless, and abused children to a new life. Trains left from New York to 47 states, Canada, and the Indian Territories carrying up to 40 children at a time. They had little idea of where they were going or what they would find at the end of their journey. Often, siblings never saw one another again. Some families welcomed the children. For others…abuse, neglect, or forced labor greeted them at the end of the line.

George Wilks, my great-grandfather, was one of those riders.

We, the over 2,000,000 descendents of the Orphan Train Riders, are proud to belong to this heritage. May the initial loneliness experienced by these folks pale in the presence of our love, admiration, and respect for their hardships and suffering.

This song is dedicated to the Orphan Train Riders…

A portion of the proceeds of the sale of this CD will be donated to the Orphan Train Society as a contribution to its mission to keep this piece of American heritage alive.

Purchase Price:    $7.50

Here's a sample of my latest CD's.

I have included links to short clips of a few of the songs to give you an idea of what you'll find on the CD.  Just click on the highlighted songs below for a sample.

If you are interested in purchasing a CD, just click the paypal link below. If you would like further information, please email me!

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Thank you for your order and for supporting the Orphan Train Society!
© 2010 Mike Courville. All Rights Reserved.